Mars 2023
Februari 2023
23 Februari 2023 - 21:44
Eso addons folder location
It will have the same name as the folder that contains it.
Individual addons are just folders that contain a bunch of files.
All your addons will go in this directory.
To find the folder "AddOns" read this wiki entry:
Find the AddOns folder inside your ESO folder (if it doesn't exist, start up the game once, and it will create it for you):.
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12 Are there Keypress events that we can tie into?.
11 How do I generate my own "events" in Lua?.
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7 Is there a way to dynamically create controls like buttons or labels?.
6 Why can't I call MoveForwardStart / TurnLeftStart / this function?.
5 How do I save settings on the local machine?.
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Om Mig: